Evolving and improving are concepts intrinsic in Tramo Group’s corporate culture.
Knowing how to read the market and its needs are skills which have been acquired over decades of roads travelled.
Starting from these assumptions, we are glad to announce the establishment of a new company: Tramo Contract Montaggi srl, our first company fully devoted to assembly.
Tramo Contract Montaggi srl is an Italian company drawing its roots from highly-specialized staff and cross-cutting know-how ranging from kitchens to boiserie, from offices to large common spaces, from retail to hotellerie passing through the residential, food and beverage sectors, operating all over the world.
The company will be managed and coordinated by Tramo Contract Sa in the wake of cultural continuity in the field of large contracts and B2C service.
Follow Tramo Contract Montaggi contact here: https://www.tramogroup.com/contacts/