On September 23rd, 24th and 25th, the second edition of Stefano Moretti memorial will be held at Pala Aldo Giordani in Milan.
The program envisages three days of women’s basketball, U15 Elite, Senior Category: Second League and Baskin.
In the attached program you’ll find all the details of this initiative.
Giovanni Di Maggio, Group CEO, comments the forthcoming event as follows:
“ With the help of our friend Franz Pinotti (absolute leader at Sanga) and of Andrea Pirola, we have first agreed on and then organized an annual memorial binding Stefano’s passion for women’s basketball, basking and junior sport to keep alive the recall of a great friend and athlete who has given so much to this movement in terms of results and of tangible personal commitment. Both Lombardy’s regional committee of the Italian Basketball Federation and the Womens’ Basket League have immediately embraced our initiative. The latter will sponsor also this 2nd Stefano Moretti Memorial. We want to support the event so that Stefano can be remembered every year.
We wait with great affection for all those who will be able and willing to participate.”